The King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords is returning very soon, to take over completely. The Bible says we will all stand before Him to give an account of our lives here on Earth, as it pertains to our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone.
The King of all Kings is good and very gracious offering all of us eternal life and bliss in Heaven with Him. This Great Grace if offered now, this side of eternity. All that each of us must do is, believe that Jesus died for us and came back alive to rule and reign forever. We must, and are honored to bow before His Lordship now and to live a totally sold-out life for Him daily. We must walk close to the King, to receive His dictates. (Marching orders) What an honor and privilege to serve in the army of our Good and Awesome King, until He returns. The Apostle Peter wrote, "So beloved, seeing that you are looking for His return, be diligent, that you may be found at peace with Him, without spot and blameless." As the song says, "People get ready there's a train a coming." Let's, "Get ready, get ready, get ready.
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