Tuesday, June 9, 2009

God is great and good, 100% of the time!  We must not stumble over circumstances, while embracing this fact.  No matter what happens in our lives;  God is good.  As we take the time to behold Him, this truth burns brighter and brighter in our hearts.  In John 10:10,  Jesus says,  "I have come that you might have life and have it to the full."
So what about satisfaction on our part; since God is always good to us?  It's all in our attitude. Paul said, "I've learned in whatever state I'm in to be satisfied; whatever abounding or abased." So lets "think ourselves happy", and quit singing with the Rolling Stones, I Can't Get No Satisfaction.  Instead, lets sing with Hillsong,  "You make Your face to shine on me that my soul knows very well!  It's the truth.  So smile and have a wonderful day!


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