Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Living Life With Gusto

Jesus said, I've come to give you a full life."  We were put on this earth to experience blessing and more importantly to be a blessing to others.  As we walk the path of Life together, let's be very sure that we slow down and truly drink in all of the wonders around us.  The Bible tells us to, "redeem the time, or make every moment a masterpiece, because the days are evil."  One of the best ways to witness and shine for Jesus, is to passionately enjoy life.  Life is the greatest gift we have.  I encourage you today to not waste time, and just remember, with joy in your heart, and a smile on your face, that we are living right now for eternity.  "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."  Go for the Gusto!!


1 comment:

Dean Elliott said...

Right on Bro! Great to see you at Council. Let's connect!

Your pal-

Dean Elliott