Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 9

"This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Sometimes when we fast, and hunger pains hit, and the enemy attacks because he doesn't like our new level of commitment; a different attitude begins to manifest called "mean-ness".  Don't allow yourself to be down today. Break through to the fact that you are Loved and Blessed.  When the heat is applied to our lives, the dregs will come to the surface.  We must allow the Holy Spirit's ladle of love to skim them off, so that we can become "pure wine" for the Lord to use, to refresh others.  Remember, "the joy of the Lord is your strength"  Have an awesome day.



Anonymous said...

Today on my way to work I heard a song, simple lyrics, only 3 verses, but at the end of each verse Jeremy Camp would say "Give Me Jesus", also the name of the song. Listen to it if you get a chance and see if it touches you too,


Anonymous said...

Today (1/13/09) on my way to work a different song touched my heart. It is by Sanctus Real, called "Something Heavenly". It's amazing how a song that you've heard a hundred times will at the right time prick your heart.
