Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where is our heart?  This is God's top priority and #1 concern.  David was the only one that God ever pronounced, "A man after my own heart."  He certainly didn't achieve high marks in obedience and there were no Father of the year awards.  But David prayed honestly and worshipped passionately and in so doing touched the Heavenly Father deeply and profoundly.
Yes we need to learn, grow, and strive to be a more complete and together person.  We must constantly give our best to walk in obedience to God's Holy Word.  But keep going back to your first pure love and love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength.  Then God will be pleased to help us and change us from glory to glory.
If he doesn't wash us, all we can ever present to Him is as "filthy rags".  So please come and do a new work of hunger and thirst, for more of the Holy Spirit in my heart, O God.  Yes Lord!!


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