Tuesday, January 13, 2009

DAY 10

Let's be sure as we fast on this 10th day that we do so with extended Grace and Love.  God's Grace, Goodness, and Favor are consistently reaching out to us.  The Bible says, "The goodness of God leads us to repentance."  And, "humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up."  So let's make up our minds, to lift up others around us today with encouragement.  We are not called to be fasting police or legalistic judges.  Let's celebrate the new level of heart and faith that we are all hoping to grow to, during this special time of sacrificial commitment.  Pause and thank the King of Kings today, for His Amazing Favor toward us all!  "Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, today was good, had a lot going on at work and I avoided the many temptations that abounded there, saw Bill this evening at the visitation and he told me that he appreciated the prayers, he has been one of the many on my prayer list during this time. Another area we need to be corporately praying for is our upcoming business meeting at the church, pray for strong leadership and that God will have His hand over all of it. God Bless,
