Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 7

Correct theology and doctrine alone have not enabled us to complete the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The Church's resources of finance and personnel hasn't completed our call. To see Breakthroughs that Jesus desires for us, we must embrace what Jesus did: fasting and prayer to His Heavenly Father and the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit. Let's be fully drenched in the Holy Spirit as Holy Spirit people. Jesus is our example and the realm of the Spirit is the realm of His Kingdom. 


Great Commission - 'Go into all the world and proclaim the Good-News to everyone'.
Great Commandment - 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as you love your-self'.


Anonymous said...

Hello Pastor Sayre,

This is a very interesting way to communicate with your people. We do not hear much about the Great Commission and Great Commandment these days. This is very refreshing. We have let our doctrine, theology, resources and personnel rob us of the joy of seeing someone saved. There have been times this year that someone had come to the altar to be saved, and it did not have the same affect on me that it did in times past. I shook myself quickly realizing I was forgetting the "Great Commission", being more concerned with having a great "church". I am glad the Lord let me see my direction and allowed me a chance to correct it, before He "lovingly" corrected it for me.

The great commandmant to love. If we could esteem others better than ourselves. Many of our problems in church are due to personality conflicts. In essence, we really are not looking out for each others best interests.

Fasting and prayer is the precendence set for us by Jesus.

What a wonderful way to start the year as a church.

Michael A. Lewis said...

Hello Pastor,

Its been a week since we started our fast. While being difficult, especially when tempted during birthday celebrations, it has been one of the best weeks of my life spiritually. Not only have I heard God this week, I know that I heard God this week.

The longer I fast, the more I hunger for Christ and His will to consume my life. All of the steak or chocolate cake in the world could not make up for the blessings that I have received this week. God is so good!